About Us

Bringing History
to Life
The Metzger Collection is a museum of replicas of artifacts and artwork highlighting the biblical story within the broader context and scope of human history – from prehistory through to the modern period. What will you uncover?
Rev. Dr. Frederick Metzger (1920-2011) was a pastor and teacher who had been honoured for his work in protecting Jews in Nazi-era Hungary and assisting Hungarian refugees in emigrating to Canada. An avid collector of artifacts and artwork, Fred Metzger scoured the museums of the world, looking for replicas of artwork and artifacts that connected to the biblical story within the broader context of human history. He brought them home to Vancouver with a vision to share his collection as a creative teaching tool and inspiration for meaning in life. Click here to learn more about Fred Metzger.
Background: Rev. Dr. Fred Metzger had a twofold vision for the Collection (formerly known as the Biblical Museum of Canada): first, to be a creative teaching tool to inform people of the biblical past within the broader context of human history and highlight the Bible’s contribution to both history and society; second, to inspire all people to find meaning in their lives, transcending mere self to help make this world a better place.
Having received the Collection in 2012 and renaming it the Metzger Collection, Columbia Bible College seeks to honour Fred Metzger’s vision for his collection and fulfill his incredible legacy. The Metzger Collection advances Columbia’s mission to equip people for a life of discipleship, ministry, and leadership in service to the church and community.
The Vision for the Metzger Collection is to bring history, and particularly the biblical past, to life. As a teaching tool to learn, grow, and find meaning by, the Metzger Collection seeks to collect, preserve, interpret, and exhibit the artwork and artifacts that make up the Collection in support of Columbia Bible College’s mission and in service to the community of the broader public around us.