Support the Metzger Collection
The establishment of the Metzger Collection is the legacy of the Metzger family and an incredible gift to Columbia Bible College, reflecting a significant investment of passion, time, and funds over decades. When the Collection came to Columbia in 2012, not only did the Metzgers donate all of the artifacts and artwork that made up the Collection, but they donated a ministry-owned house in Vancouver, which was sold to create the Metzger Collection museum space on Columbia’s campus as well as create a partial 10-year endowment to get the Collection up and running. This 10-year endowment period has now ended, and to help ensure the Metzger Collection can continue not only running, but expanding, we need your help! If you have been inspired by the Metzger Collection and want to build onto this legacy, please consider supporting us, whether financially, contributing to the collection, or volunteering. Thank you for your consideration.

Donate an Artifact
(or towards an Artifact)
While it is fair to say that the Metzger Collection is extensive in its display of artifacts and artwork, there is lots of room and desire for expansion. The donation of an artifact is a unique way to contribute to a legacy in the Metzger Collection that resonates with your own areas of interest and experience. You may have…
A certain artifact in your possession you want to pass on;
A particular artifact in mind that you would like to purchase for the Collection or contribute funds toward;
A desire to donate towards the acquisition of more artifacts along themes of interest to you (even if you do not know specifically what that might be).
If any of those describe you, please Contact Us. A donation of an artifact can be eligible for a Gift-in-Kind tax receipt with a receipt of purchase or appraisal.
(Donations of artifacts are subject to approval. The Metzger Collection reserves the right to refuse artifacts that are not in keeping with its vision or capacity).
Donate Financially
A financial donation to the Metzger Collection helps to ensure the sustainability of the Metzger Collection and also opens new possibilities for enhancing the museum experience and expanding the Collection itself. A donation toward the Metzger Collection is eligible for a tax receipt. To make a donation, follow the “Donate Financially Today” button below, which re-directs to the Columbia Bible College’s donation page (which owns and operates the Metzger Collection). Under “Fund” click “Metzger Collection.” Donations can also be made over the phone or in person. Your donation and contribution towards the vision of the Metzger Collection is greatly appreciated!
Donate your Time
Currently, the Metzger Collection is necessarily limited in its open hours due to staff availability. If we can build up a critical mass of regular, committed volunteers, we could expand those hours. If you would consider yourself a big fan of the Metzger Collection and would be eager to help share it with others, this might be a good opportunity for you. Please contact us if interested.